Please read the following general instructions about what to expect after surgery:
Sinonasal Emergencies (Reasons to call the Doctor after your surgery) (English)
Nasal Cautery and/or Packing Removal (English)
Nasal Cautery and/or Packing Removal (EspaƱol)
Please refer to the following post operative instructions for the specific procedure(s) for which you are scheduled:
Closed Reduction Instructions (English)
Septo-Turbs Instructions (English)
Septo-Turbs-Concha Instructions (English)
Septo-Turbs-FESS Instructions (English)
Septo-Turbs-FESS-Adnoids Instructions (English)
Septo-Turbs-FESS-Uvula Instructions (English)
Septo-Turbs-Latera-Uvulectomy Instructions (English)
Septo-Turbs-Latera Instructions (English)
Septo-Turbs-Latera-Concha Instructions (English)